When you accidently chip or crack a tooth, or if you experience sudden discomfort or damage to your restorations or prosthetics, then you need to see our team right away. Timely emergency dental care can protect you from the onset of tooth decay and other complications. In today’s blog, your Columbia, TN, dentist talks about how we treat dental emergencies.
When to Seek Care
If you chip or break a tooth, let us know so we can repair the tooth and protect it from tooth decay or dental infection. If you sustain an injury to the face or jaw and no damage is visible, consider an appointment in case a fracture has occurred that isn’t visible to the naked eye. Other causes for concern include teeth that have been knocked loose or out, sudden toothaches, objects caught between teeth that floss cannot remove, or missing or loose crowns or fillings.
Easing Initial Discomfort
When you have a dental emergency, then stem the bleeding with a piece of cloth or gauze. You can also control facial swelling with a cold compress or ice pack to the side of the face. If you can, try to recover any pieces of the tooth to bring with you. If a tooth is knocked out, then pick it up by the crown instead of the root, and place it in a glass of salt water or milk, and bring it with you. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever too. If you have a compromised restoration, then avoid very hot or cold foods and drinks, or items high in sugar, until we can see you. The exposed teeth will be very sensitive!
Repairing Your Smile
You should give us a call quickly, even if the injury happens outside of normal business hours. We will contact you with a time to see you for treatment. Our team will carefully examine your smile with digital technology so we can plan treatment with detail. For some, we could repair teeth in one visit with dental bonding, for others we could create a custom and lifelike dental crown. To help avoid injuries, we can offer a custom mouthguard, one that provides a better fit than a traditional boil-and-bite option from a sporting goods store.
If you have any questions about how to avoid or treat a dental emergency, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help safeguard your smile.
Learn More About Treating a Dental Emergency With Creekside Family Dentistry!
We want to help you avoid the impact of an untreated injury to your smile with a custom dental restoration. Give us a call today at Creekside Family Dentistry in Columbia, TN at (931) 388-3384 to schedule your appointment!