Your dentist wants you to have the best possible experience each time you find yourself in their office. If you
keep up with regular preventive dental appointments (which you certainly should), the care and attention provided can help you feel at ease. If you need more involved restorative dental work, or if you suffer from dental anxiety, you might assume that relaxation will be harder to come by. What you should know is that sedation dentistry is available to help patients deal with their concerns. The treatments your dentist can provide will help you enjoy the care you need without undue anxiety.
How Avoiding The Dentist Can Impact Your Oral Health
People with dental anxiety can struggle with the thought of setting foot in a dentist’s office. The idea of needing restorative work can be even more stressful. However, you should know that avoiding your dentist can have steep costs to your oral health. A cavity is not going to go away unless you have your dentist remove it. By keeping away from their office, you leave a cavity with time to continue spreading. If that happens, you could find yourself suffering unnecessary complications.
How Your Dentist Can Help You Relax
There are different dental sedatives available to you. Nitrous oxide can help instill a relaxation in you, but its aftereffects are brief enough that you can drive yourself to and from your appointment. You can also opt to use an oral sedative. Taken before your appointment, the sedative can help you feel comfortable throughout your visit, though, unlike with nitrous oxide, you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment.