There’s often something that makes veneers seem nearly untouchable to patients. If you’re someone who loves
the idea of porcelain veneers but who places them high on a pedestal or has some assumptions about them that makes them inaccessible, time for a reboot! With some helpful new information regarding your concerns, you just might find that you are a wonderful candidate and that they will soon help you rejuvenate your smile!
Nope, They Aren’t Likely To Shatter
We know that they seem like they’re going to shatter. However, they’re not. Don’t do anything crazy, of course, like try to bite through ice or use your smile to carry your computer bag and you’ll be just fine. Once applied, porcelain veneers are extremely resilient.
Nope, They’re Not Hard To Keep Up
What if we told you that choosing porcelain veneers for yourself really won’t change your lifestyle as it applies to your daily eating, dental hygiene habits, and the frequency with which you schedule dental care? Happy? Good! This is exactly the way it is! Brush and floss, see us for cleanings and checkups, and you’ll be just fine.
Nope, They Aren’t Only For Celebrities
Maybe you have it in your head that talking with us about porcelain veneers is way out of your personal life narrative. You may assume veneers are too expensive, are something that only celebrities get, or that they aren’t going to be what you need. You may be pleasantly surprised as you begin investigating them. They are often a cost effective solution and are appropriate for many people! Ask us about them.
See Our Team For Veneer Information
Interested in making porcelain veneers part of your smile? A visit with us will most certainly help you make a final decision. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call Creekside Family Dental Care in Columbia, TN, today at (931) 388–3384.